Theradelic Retreats
Discover the World of Sunny Strasburg’s Retreats
Escape to a World to Explore Your Psyche
Embark on a transformative journey with our retreats where ancient wisdom and modern science converge to offer a unique healing experience. Set in serene and secluded natural settings, our retreats provide a safe space for self-discovery, inner reflection, and personal growth.
Under the guidance of experienced facilitators, guests have the opportunity to explore the depths of their consciousness, gaining new perspectives and insights into the complexities of the mind. Through carefully crafted psychedelic sessions, combined with integration practices, individuals can navigate profound emotional and spiritual landscapes to foster healing and self-awareness.
Whether you are seeking healing from past traumas, looking to expand your creativity, or simply curious about the profound potential of psychedelics, our retreats offer a supportive environment to explore the depths of your being. Step into a world where transformation is possible, and discover the profound beauty of archetypal psychology, Internal Family Systems (IFS), EMDR, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.
The Theradelic Approach: Elemental Healing Retreat, Costa Rica
Are you feeling the call to deepen self awareness and activation? Let’s find ways together to apply and sustain these insights into our daily lives.
Each April, Sunny Strasburg offers the annual Elemental Healing Retreat in Costa Rica for a full group of brilliant minds and souls. It is a transformational experience for all of us. Collaborating with Michele Taggart who owns and produces events at Finca Mia is inspiring and humbling. Their enchanting site on Mt Chirripo is a true labor of love, and the food is local, organic, dieta-friendly, and outstanding!
The retreat protocol was structured around the Hero's /Heroine's Journey and each group experience incorporated the alchemical elements of the Four Directions. This was developed based on the theme of Mrs. Strasburg’s Master's Thesis at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and based upon the work of C.G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, Marie Louis von Franz, and Edward Edinger. Group processing support as well as extensive integrative support, is integral to the retreat. The healing elements of creativity…dancing, singing, and painting are interwoven throughout the week.
Sunny Strasburg and Michele Taggart with live music
TWO WEEKS for 2025!!
April 5-12, 2025 STILL HAS SPACE, SIGN UP NOW!
April 12-19, 2025 SOLD OUT
Please fill out the “Learn More” form for 2025!
Theradelic Psychedelic Transformation with Sunny Strasburg & Dr. Dick Schwartz
An Internal Family Systems: Affecting Change in the Collective Sphere Through Self Leadership. For business leaders in Technology, Entertainment, Healthcare and Psychedelics.
Dr. Richard C. Schwartz and Sunny Strasburg welcome you for the chance to experience transformative individual and collective healing.
Internal Family Systems & Ketamine Experience this January 24-28, 2025 at 1440 Multiversity in California
This retreat is an opportunity for participants to come together and do the work of deep healing and allowing access to the 8 Cs of Self.
All experiences will be supported by IFS parts exploration and unburdening and will provide ample opportunities for integration, self-inquiry, group healing and visioning together. To hold the container that we are co-creating, we ask that all retreat participants stay onsite.
No experience with psychedelic medicines (including ketamine) or IFS is required. All participants will be asked to complete all intake forms.
Dates: January 24-28, 2025
If you are unable to attend these dates and are interested in future retreats, please email us at admin@sunnystrasburgtherapy.com.
Cost: $8500 USD plus 3% credit card fee
Includes all meetings & onsite retreat programming, highly nutritional and healthy meals, and lodging.
January 24-28, 2025 SOLD OUT
1440 Multiversity
$8500 USD
plus 3% credit card fee
Theradelic Concierge Services
Experience a Tailored Concierge Retreat
Embark on a personalized journey with your group and delve into a transformative experience together. Whether you are commemorating a significant milestone or seeking a peaceful retreat to connect with your inner circle, allow us to curate a bespoke psychedelic-assisted getaway that caters to your desires. Contact us to explore the possibilities further and commence crafting a unique retreat that promises to create enduring memories for you and your companions.
Theradelic Ketamine Retreats in Utah
Join Sunny Strasburg for a Ketamine Retreat in Utah.
Please sign up for the newsletter for announcements of upcoming dates!
This beautiful retreat location allows for ample time in nature, solo and group time, a hot tub, and 2 days of journeys and integration.
Sept 26-29, 2024 in Park City.
Please note there is an intake process for new patients interested in attending these retreats. Intake forms and a 50 min intake session are required prior to being cleared for attendance.
After a medical evaluation with Karen online and over the phone, and an online intake session with Sunny, you may be cleared for the Ketamine retreat. This retreat is limited to 8 participants. If you participated in previous retreats, we already have these items on file.
Please bring an eye mask, headphones, ear plugs (if you are sound sensitive) and several layers of comfortable clothing. Bring a fuzzy blanket, pillow(s), particularly if you need support for knees and back, and a journal, if desired. Please fast that morning. Clear liquids (8oz or less) like coffee or tea are fine.
Upon arrival, Karen will check your temperature, oxygen saturation and blood pressure. You will be given a dose of oral Zofran to eliminate nausea, a potential, but somewhat rare, potential side effect of Ketamine. Following the quick medical check, the group will gather and settle in, share journey intentions, and have a brief group process. “Journey Nests” out of padded floor mats and blankets.
On journey days, Ketamine will be administered via intramuscular injection. Each participant’s dosage is based upon on past psychedelic experiences, weight and diagnosis. Music will be played on the sound system. Karen and Sunny will monitor the group during the experience.
The journey lasts approximately 60-90 minutes. Afterward, we will process and share our experiences, utilizing archetypal psychology, Internal Family Systems and other treatment modalities Mrs Strasburg is trained in.
There will be snacks and beverages available after the journey. You will need to arrange a ride home. Driving is prohibited during the retreat.
Studies show that Ketamine administered every one to three weeks for 3 sessions has longer-lasting benefits for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Ketamine is already established as a remarkably safe anesthetic. A growing body of research and practice is showing great promise for the mental health-enhancing effects of sub-anesthetic Ketamine alone. Additionally, with emotional and ritual support, the pharmacological benefit can expand greatly. What is referred to as the “psycholytic dose” or “psychedelic dose” enables powerful psychedelic exploration and integration. Ketamine is a legal prescription drug in the USA.
all intakes are done prior to the retreat. Participants are screened, vetted for appropriateness of ketamine. Sunny uses EMDR, Internal Family Systems, attachment therapy, ego state and Jungian archetypal psychology.
These dates can fill quickly.
$4500 plus tax
Theradelic Concierge Couples Ketamine Retreat
Experience a Tailored Concierge Retreat
Embark on a personalized journey and delve into a transformative experience together. Whether you are commemorating a significant milestone or seeking a peaceful retreat to connect with your inner circle, allow us to curate a bespoke psychedelic-assisted getaway that caters to your desires. Contact us to explore the possibilities further and commence crafting a unique retreat that promises to create enduring memories for you and your companion.

THERadelic Retreat FAQs
As part of the enrolment process, you will be asked to submit a detailed medical information form to the medical team supporting this experience. They will review in detail any issues that would prevent you from fully participating in the experience and will also be available to answer questions should you have them. All participants must be approved by the medical team and receive a clinical diagnosis to participate in this experience.
In advance of the personal medical history review, please see the general information below on eligibility for ketamine treatment:
Ketamine was approved by the FDA for use as an anesthetic agent several decades ago. Ketamine has an extensive record of safety and has been used safely as a surgical anesthetic at much higher doses than are administered in psychotherapeutic settings. The administration of Ketamine in lower, sub-anesthetic doses to treat pain, depression, or other psychiatric diagnoses is a newer, off -label use of Ketamine. Psychiatric use of Ketamine has become relatively widespread in recent years, has been studied and promoted by researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health, and has had front-page publicity as the newest antidepressant with its own novel pharmacological mechanism of action.
Ketamine has been administered by intravenous, intramuscular (IM), sublingual, oral, and intranasal routes. Often, it has been used after other treatment approaches have been unsuccessful. There are however, a few known contraindications for ketamine use.
Contraindications for ketamine may include:
Hypersensitivity to Ketamine: If you have had an adverse response to ketamine in the past, please let us know.
CYP2B6(*/6) Genotype: Patients with the CYP2B6(1/6) and CYP2B6(6/6) genotypes are known to metabolize racemic ketamine at slower rates (i.e., 1/2 and 1/6th, respectively) than participants with the more ubiquitous CYP2B6(1/1) genotype. If you know yourself to have a CYP2B6 polymorphism, please let us know so that your dosage may be adjusted accordingly.
Pregnancy / Nursing: The effects of ketamine on pregnancy and the fetus are undetermined, and therefore, it is advisable to protect against pregnancy while exposing yourself to ketamine or in the immediate aftermath of its use. Although there is preliminary data suggesting safety in nursing, pregnant women and nursing mothers are currently not eligible because of the lack of data on the potential effects on the fetus or nursing child.
Cardiovascular Disease: Untreated hypertension is a contraindication for ketamine use as the substance causes a temporary dose-dependent rise in blood pressure. Similarly, a history of severe heart disease where this increase in blood pressure is hazardous may make you ineligible to participate.
Pharmacological Interactions: Information on ketamine’s interaction with other medicines is only partially available. Some medications may diminish the intensity of the ketamine experience. As such, you will be asked to provide a list of all your current medications.
Hyperthyroidism: Ketamine should not be taken if you have untreated/unmanaged hyperthyroidism.
History of Psychosis/Mania: Ketamine may worsen certain psychotic symptoms in people who actively suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar mania, or other psychotic disorders.
Personality Disorders: Ketamine may exacerbate underlying psychological concerns in people with severe personality disorders.
Before the ketamine is administered, you will be asked to make two (2) agreements with the facilitators to ensure your safety and well-being:
You agree to follow any direct instructions given to you by the facilitators until it is determined that the session is over.
You agree to remain at the location of the session until the facilitators decide you are ready to leave.
Length of ketamine experience:
The length of a ketamine experience varies from person-to-person and from experience-to-experience. You will likely be internally focused for the first 45-to-90 minutes following administration of ketamine. You will remain, to a lesser extent, under ketamine’s influence for at least one additional hour. Under the care of the retreat facilitators, ketamine will be administered via sublingual rapid-dissolve tablet or intramuscular injection.
Ketamine dosage:
Appropriate dosage will be determined based on body weight, individual sensitivity, and prior exposure to ketamine and/or other psychedelics. We ask that you do not use alcohol or any non-prescription drugs before or during group sessions or prior to ketamine sessions as this may have negative emotional and/or physiological consequences.
Preparation for a ketamine session requires assessment of your readiness by the Internal Family Systems & Ketamine Therapy Retreat staff. After ketamine use, you will have follow-up discussions that focus on integration of your experience. You may ask the staff any questions you have concerning the procedure or effects of ketamine at any time. Your consent to receive ketamine may be withdrawn by you, and you may discontinue your participation at any time up until the actual injection or rapid- dissolve tablet has been administered.
You will be asked to lie down during ketamine administration because your sense of balance and coordination will be adversely affected until the drug’s effect has worn off (i.e., typically between two to four hours after the administration). It is possible you may fall asleep. Visual, tactile, and auditory processing are affected by ketamine. Music may be perceived in a novel fashion. Synesthesia (i.e., a mingling of the senses) may occur. Time may feel sped up, slowed down, or irrelevant.
Other possibilities for adverse effects include:
blurred or uncomfortable vision (you are advised to keep your eye mask on until the main effects have worn off)
slurred speech
confusion, excitability
diminished ability to hear or to feel objects accurately (including one’s own body)
anxiety, nausea, and vomiting*
*Because of the risk of nausea and vomiting, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least the 2 hours preceding the session. Eat lightly when you do. Hydrate well in that same time frame. If you are unduly nauseated, you may be offered an anti-nausea medication, ondansetron (Zofran), in oral dissolving tablet form.
Ketamine typically causes an increase in blood pressure. If blood pressure monitoring reveals that your blood pressure is too high, you may be offered clonidine to remedy this. Agitation may occur during the course of a ketamine session. If your agitation is severe, you may be ushered into another space where a member of the Internal Family Systems & Ketamine Therapy Retreat staff will sit with you.
The administration of ketamine may also cause the following reactions: tachycardia (elevation of pulse), diplopia (double vision), nystagmus (rapid eye movements), elevation of intraocular pressure (pressure in the eyes) and anorexia (loss of appetite). The above reactions occurred after rapid intravenous administration of ketamine or intramuscular administration of higher doses of ketamine (in a range of greater than 5 mg/kg used for surgical anesthesia). The dose to be used in this sub-anesthetic ketamine experience is much lower (2 mg/kg or less).
There are case reports suggesting that chronic abuse of ketamine in high doses can cause urinary tract symptoms and even permanent bladder dysfunction. This has not been shown to occur with clinically supervised use of ketamine.
Retreat Staff